The article that I picked was about the Colorado wildfires threatening Denver's water supply. I believe that the water supply is definitely an issue, it could potentially mean that that the city of Denver would be getting contaminated water or no water at all. The main issue that scientists see about the wildfire being close to the reservoir is that during a storm, water would run down the mountains, getting contaminated by the ash from the fire which could jeopardize the cleanliness of the water reservoir. People could tackle this problem is by putting a barrier around the reservoir,  to prevent any waste from getting in to the drinking water, and collecting the contaminated runoff separate ans sending it to get treated separately. That way one of our most precious resources will stay safe and clean.

Ms. D
10/11/2012 07:55:43 am

What an interesting article. I had no idea about this issue in Denver; thanks for the post.


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