1.       My utopian city is named Ikanos Greek for capable. This means that my city is self-sufficient and able to live without help from neighboring cities. To me a perfect city would not fall when others fall and never experience problems that we had nothing to do with it.

2.       Utopia: An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.  http://www.thefreedictionary.com/utopia

My utopia would ideally be a very small city, 2000 people roughly. The main city area would be four large buildings each holding 500 apartments with varying size. Each member of the community would be assigned one depending on what size their family was. The bottom floor of these apartments is commercial; anything from a grocery store to a bowling alley could open there.  The space between the buildings would be a large park and on the outside of the buildings there would farms that would supply the city with food and also prevent the city from growing. On the roofs of the buildings there would be solar panels that supply the city with the needed electricity and rain catchers that would have back up water in case the water pipes shut off.

The idea behind this utopia is a city that is completely self-sustaining, meaning that the city would still thrive even if there are problems in the rest of the world. People would live in peace; there would no need to fight about things because each person lives the same way. I would create this utopia because it is what people dream of, basically a little peaceful world in itself where no one needs to worry about global problems.

3.    This utopian society that I made stands apart from every other society in the world because it is completely self sustaining, basically if the whole world is crumbling around it this city can stand strong, alone. We need this type of city in the world because there needs to be some form of balance around in the hectic world of today, to have a last resort if the rest of the world goes downhill.

4. Rules of Iknaos:

Do not steal from others

Only buy as much food as you need 

All city lights must be off after 11pm to 7:30 am 

Stores must be open every day except sunday from 9 until 7, no exceptions 

No killing 

No fighting on city land

Every family will be assigned one home, they cannot be rented out to others 

No one is allowed to enter farm except for those who have the job as a farmer

In the apartments to conserve water, water (from the tap) may not be left running for more than 5 minutes, 10 for a shower

No destruction of city property, including plants 

If these rules are not obeyed, the person who committed the crime will have to visit the city court, with ticket in hand, in the next week or the charge will be doubled

Ms. D
1/29/2013 11:12:50 am

This is interesting. I like the solar panels on the roof idea and I find the name very fitting. Some of your ideas are actually very close to reality. It doesn't take much to fix many of the problems in the world, yet it takes a lot. On # 3, you are leaving me hanging...or is it just so obvious why we need it, that you didn't need to write it? :)

1/31/2013 03:26:12 am

I like how your utopia is self sufficient. It seems that dependance on others can be a cause of war in many cases (i.e. oil in the middle east)

1/31/2013 03:34:40 am

I like that you've made it really eco-friendly and sustainable. It's got pretty strict consequences, so people should be more likely to follow the rules... good job!

1/31/2013 03:38:18 am

nice job willr, and yes I meant to spell it like that, love your city, very eco-friendly and sounds like a very nice place to live in, :D

1/31/2013 03:41:43 am

Hehe thanks Julier

Peter Konigsmann
1/31/2013 03:52:12 am

I love the details you included. Extremely descriptive and consise. The image really helps me imagine being there. Of all the utopia advertisments I have read I found your's the most appealing.


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